Specifies the method of treating wildcards and filenames on the command line.
-r[- | 0]
Switch | Description |
-r | Enable recurse subdirectories. |
-r- | Disable recurse subdirectories. This option is default for all commands. |
-r0 | Enable recurse subdirectories only for wildcard names. |
7z l archive.zip *.doc -r-
lists all *.doc files that belong to the archived root directory in the archive.zip archive.
7z a -tzip archive.zip -r src\*.cpp src\*.h
adds all *.cpp and *.h files from directory src and all it's subdirectories to the archive.zip archive.
a (Add), d (Delete), e (Extract), l (List), t (Test), u (Update), x (Extract with full paths)
Switches: -i (Include), -x (Exclude)